The trails and trials of a professional writer

Monday 23 August 2010

Ultimate Security System

As a writing exercise I ask myself hypothetical questions and try and devise a perfect answer for it. At the weekend I gave my self this question: If I am an evil genius or a member of spy organisation what measure would need to be taken to make the security system unbeatable.

The first thing I concluded was that no system can be unbeatable but you can try to make it as secure as possible.

Each guard has a bullet proof/knife proof vest, this extends up to the neck reducing the risk of a choke hold or downward strikes. Also designed in such a way to make it incredibly difficulty to use standard techniques for breaking necks. Lining the inside of this jacket is heart rate sensors, and therein lies the crux of our defence.

These sensors should wirelessly feedback to a central server but also feedback to two other remote locations. The central and one of the remote servers are manned and monitored continuously. If one of these is compromised then the automated back up should catch it, other wise the other human monitored system can be used to compare against the other two for compromises. If one of these systems is compromised then the other two can be used to ensure that if one is hijacked then it is not fatal to the system. These systems talk to each and compare each others signal inputs. A final system should on top of this that is not connected to the others in any way but the signal. This is so that if the system is truly compromised and it is spread through them all it can be checked against the others still.

Finally a physical wire from the vest should be plugged into terminals around the complex. This relays the information in real time, comparing against the wireless signal and what is received at the servers.

All of these servers run analysis on the heart rates supplied to them. This goes against the mean supplied by the guards at monthly and irregular intervals in a variety of exercises. Even a slight variation to the numbers sent should prompt investigation. First through radio contact, if no response is given on the FIRST attempt of asking a 'swing' team should be sent consisting of a minimum of three guards who are regularly changed. This swing team should check on the heightened heart rate guard even if they answer afterwards. All of this is double checked via video cameras all of the guards carry. These should have similar redundancies to the heart rate monitors. This camera are monitored constantly and all grounds should be check by two individual separate parties prior to commencement of assignment and all signal issues rectified before acceptance.

The video should be interlaced with an encrypted stream that would render a repetition of the same feed easily identifiable. Guards should also be asked to produce predefined hand signals at irregular intervals and the swing guard should confirm at a distance in at even more irregular periods. This video should be reviewed on a 24 hour delay by a third, uninterested, party for any discrepancies.

That is what I came up with. It is not unbeatable but designed in such a way to cause the maximum amount of effort on behalf of the person who is trying to break it. If one guard is taken out then the system, if working correctly, will immedietly put the attack into lockdown. Of course other systems such as motion detectors should work in conjunction with the guards so that the criminal does not just slip by them.

Thats it, that was a fun writing exercise :D if any goverment agency, or evil genius, would like to hire me you have my email.

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