The trails and trials of a professional writer

Friday 20 August 2010

Hello! Look New Blog!


After two years of maintaining my squarespace blog I have made the transition to blogger, I would be lyng if I did not say that this decision was not partly based on financial reasons but I said a lot of things on that blog that I was proud of but I am at a new place in my life and as such felt that a new blog would be appropriate.

On this blog I will continue to post writing tips as I did on my previous blog but they will not be as regular as my previous posts. I want this blog to be more a reflection of myself than me droning on about what you should be doing. So I will be offering more encouragement rather than instruction. And lets not forget I will be be posting examples of my creative work when I write them!

As I said with the previous blog and I will repeat here, When I first started as a writer I would often need someone to talk to or give me feedback on my work but did not really have anyone in my life to take up that role, so if anyone wishes for an honest opinion of any of their work or just general guidance then feel free to contact me
Peter Michael Kerr

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