The trails and trials of a professional writer

Tuesday 24 May 2011

The Little Tree - Poem

I have a load of my old work gathering goblins on my hard drive that I thought I would share with everyone. Some of you will most likely have read some of this stuff before but for those of you who have not I can only appologise :D Today is a poem about a slightly carnivorous tree.

The Little Tree

I am the little tree
that sits in your garden
I am the little tree
that watches your life pass
Pardon me for interjecting
but I feel I must help you

Remember when the gerbil died
and you gave him unto me
my roots sucked at his body
and made use of his flesh
vanishing him from the world

Why not let me do this again,
while your wife is still fresh.
I will suck and drink until she is dry
and let my worm friends take the rest.

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